Thursday, August 14, 2008

ewwww, tillie smells

Here are the steps to get rid of skunk smell if you dog happens to get in a fight with a sunk then get sprayed by said sunk, then run into the house to roll around on the Oriental rug in your living room. Please note these steps are only to be used when the spray happens at 10:00pm on a Friday night.
  1. Get very upset and say very bad words that start with the letters F, S, F and more F
  2. Lock dog in three season room
  3. Call your dog walker/ dog groomer to get "skunk odor remover kit"
  4. Wash dog with dog shampoo
  5. Wash dog with special sunk shampoo
  6. Wash dog with dog shampoo
  7. Wash dog with special sunk shampoo
  8. Rub special skunk remover liquid into fur
  9. Spray dog with doggie perfume
  10. Leave Dog outside and go to CVS to buy $80 worth of cleaning and odorr removing products (i.e. pine sol, febreeze, glade plug ins, carpet deodorizer)
  11. Clean three season room
  12. Lock dog in three season room
  13. Clean main floor of house
  14. Realize upstairs smells
  15. Clean upstairs
  16. Place bowls of coffee grounds, baking soda, vinegar around house.
  17. Go to bed (2:00am)
  18. Wake up early because house smells like skunk
  19. Go to CVS to buy more cleaning product
  20. Re-Clean house
  21. Go to birthday party
  22. Go to bed
  23. Wake up early to clean house
  24. Go to Lowes to buy $300 steam cleaner (Lowe's worker recommends buying the most expensive unit because the most expensive is usually the best.)
  25. Steam clean rug, couches, curtains
  26. Send dog to groomer to get groomed

Please note that you will need to continuously spray Lysol during this entire process.