Thursday, August 7, 2008

Yankee Homcoming and "The Boycott"

Amy and Joe went up to their old stomping ground, Newburyport, the other weekend to checkout the Yankee Homecoming festivities. It was a great time. They checked out some huge boats and old cars. They visited Grahm's ice cream shop and the local cheese shop. They hung out on the "green" and walked on the "mall". They also saw the Moyers (Ben, Katie and Ben's mom)...Super Cool. Tommy's favorite part was visiting the central playground. See pics below.

Amy and Joe really miss Newburyport. Someday they might move back to N-port. Perhaps they will buy this house

So the other day, Joe decided to boycott Ben & Jerry's ice cream. The reason for boycott is due to the fact that Ben and/or Jerry screwed over Becca (Tommy's friend Jonah's mom - see swing picture below). A few year's back Becca wrote into Ben & Jerry's to suggest a new flavor, Oatmeal Cookie Chunk. Ben & Jerry thought the flavor was such a good idea that they decided to put it out as "limited time" only flavor. The flavor was so popular that they kept it as a full-time flavor. See quote from the B&J website below.

"With the frenzy of fan mail we received when we introduced Oatmeal Cookie Chunk as a for-a-limited-time-only flavor in 2003, we couldn't possibly banish it to the flavor graveyard forever. With pleas from folks like you, we had to bring it back as a full-time flavor!"

So as inventor of this flavor one would think Becca would get royalties from the ice cream sales or at least her picture on the ice cream know what she got.....a FREAKIN T-SHIRT. The t-shirt is cool and all....for a temporary flavor, but the inventor of a full time flavor should at least get a trophy.

We are currently in day 2 of the boycott. We feel our protest is picking up traction as Tommy has recently joined in on the boycott. We are thinking of taking the protest to the next level. Tomorrow we might chain ourselves to the freezer doors at Market Basket.

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